lcd — lcd driver

The lcd module is used for driving SPI LCDs, 24-bit parallel LCDs, MIPI DSI LCDs, HDMI output, and Display Port output.

Example usage for driving the 128x160 LCD shield:

import sensor, lcd

# Setup camera.

# Show image.


lcd.init([type=lcd.LCD_SHIELD[, width=128[, height=160[, framesize=lcd.FWVGA[, refresh=60[, triple_buffer=False[, bgr=False[, byte_reverse=False]]]]]]]])

Initializes an attached lcd module.

type indicates how the lcd module should be initialized:

width SPI LCD width in lcd.LCD_SHIELD mode. By default this is 128 to match the OpenMV 128x160 LCD shield.

height SPI LCD height in lcd.LCD_SHIELD mode. By default this is 160 to match the OpenMV 128x160 LCD shield.

framesize One of the standard supported resolutions in LCD_DISPLAY* modes.

refresh Sets the LCD refresh rate in hertz. In particular, this controls the SPI LCD shield clock and high resolution display clock. If you are experiencing bandwidth issues driving the external display you may lower this to lower the memory bandwidth requirements. Alternatively, you can raise this if all system components allow for faster screen updates.

triple_buffer If True then makes updates to the screen non-blocking in lcd.LCD_SHIELD mode at the cost of 3X the display RAM. In LCD_DISPLAY* modes triple_buffer is always on.

bgr set to True in lcd.LCD_SHIELD to swap the red and blue channels. This argument allows you to use our driver with more types of displays.

byte_reverse set to True in lcd.LCD_SHIELD to swap RGB565 pixel bytes sent to the LCD. This argument allows you to use our driver with more types of displays.


Deinitializes the lcd module, internal/external hardware, and I/O pins.


Returns the width of the screen that was set during lcd.init().


Returns the height of the screen that was set during lcd.init().


Returns the type of the screen that was set during lcd.init().


Returns if triple buffering is enabled that was set during lcd.init().


Returns if the red and blue channels are swapped that was set during lcd.init().


Returns if the RGB565 pixels are displayed byte reversed that was set during lcd.init().


Returns the framesize that was set during lcd.init().


Returns the refresh rate that was set during lcd.init().


Sets the lcd backlight dimming value. 0 (off) to 255 (on).

In lcd.LCD_SHIELD mode this controls the DAC on P6 to provide the dimming value. If set to 0 P6 is pulled low and if set to 255 P6 is unitialized assuming that the SPI LCD shield’s backlight is by default always on.

In LCD_DISPLAY* modes this controls a PWM signal to a standard backlight dimming circuit.


Returns the lcd backlight dimming value.


In LCD_DISPLAY_*_HDMI modes returns if an external display is connected.

This function can be called before lcd.init() so you can control how you init this module.


In LCD_DISPLAY_*_HDMI modes registers a callback function that be called whenever the state of an external display being connected changes. The new state will be passed as an argument.

If you use this method do not call lcd.get_display_connected() anymore until the callback is disabled by pass None as the callback for this method.


In LCD_DISPLAY_*_HDMI modes this function returns the external display EDID data as a bytes() object. Verifying the EDID headers, checksums, and concatenating all sections into one bytes() object is done for you. You may then parse this information by following this guide.

This function can be called before lcd.init() so you can control how you init this module.

lcd.send_frame(dst_addr, src_addr, bytes)

In LCD_DISPLAY_*_HDMI modes this function sends a packet on the HDMI-CEC bus to dst_addr with source src_addr and data bytes.

lcd.receive_frame(dst_addr, timeout=1000)

In LCD_DISPLAY_*_HDMI modes this function waits timeout milliseconds to receive an HDMI-CEC frame for address dst_addr. Returns True if the received frame was for dst_addr and False if not. On timeout throws an OSError Exception.

lcd.register_receive_cb(callback, dst_addr)

In LCD_DISPLAY_*_HDMI modes registers a callback which will be called on reception of an HDMI-CEC frame. The callback will receive one argument of True or False if the HDMI-CEC frame was for dst_addr or not.

If you use this method do not call lcd.receive_frame() anymore until the callback is disabled by pass None as the callback for this method.


In LCD_DISPLAY_*_HDMI modes returns the received HDMI-CEC frame source address if lcd.receive_frame() or the callback in lcd.register_receive_cb() returned True.

When a callback is enabled for the HDMI-CEC bus this method should not be called anymore except inside of the callback.


In LCD_DISPLAY_*_HDMI modes returns the received HDMI-CEC frame data payload as a bytes object if lcd.receive_frame() or the callback in lcd.register_receive_cb() returned True.

When a callback is enabled for the HDMI-CEC bus this method should not be called anymore except inside of the callback.


In LCD_DISPLAY* modes this function reads the touch screen state and returns the number of touch points (0-5).


In LCD_DISPLAY* modes this function registers a callback which will receive the number of touch points (0-5) when a touch event happens.

If you use this method do not call lcd.update_touch_points() anymore until the callback is disabled by pass None as the callback for this method.


In LCD_DISPLAY* modes this returns the current touch gesture.

This is one of LCD_GESTURE_*.

When a callback is enabled for the touch screen this method should not be called anymore except inside of the callback.


In LCD_DISPLAY* modes this returns the current number of touch points (0-5).

When a callback is enabled for the touch screen this method should not be called anymore except inside of the callback.


In LCD_DISPLAY* modes this returns the current touch point state of the point at index.

This is one of LCD_FLAG_*.

When a callback is enabled for the touch screen this method should not be called anymore except inside of the callback.


In LCD_DISPLAY* modes this returns the current touch point id of the point at index.

The touch point id is a numeric value that allows you to track a touch point as it may move around in list of touch points returned as points are added and removed.

When a callback is enabled for the touch screen this method should not be called anymore except inside of the callback.


In LCD_DISPLAY* modes this returns the current touch point x position of the point at index.

This is the x pixel position of the touch point on the screen.

When a callback is enabled for the touch screen this method should not be called anymore except inside of the callback.


In LCD_DISPLAY* modes this returns the current touch point y position of the point at index.

This is the y pixel position of the touch point on the screen.

When a callback is enabled for the touch screen this method should not be called anymore except inside of the callback.

lcd.display(image[, x=0[, y=0[, x_scale=1.0[, y_scale=1.0[, roi=None[, rgb_channel=-1[, alpha=256[, color_palette=None[, alpha_palette=None[, hint=0[, x_size=None[, y_size=None]]]]]]]]]]]])

Displays an image whose top-left corner starts at location x, y. You may either pass x, y separately, as a tuple (x, y), or neither.

x_scale controls how much the displayed image is scaled by in the x direction (float). If this value is negative the image will be flipped horizontally.

y_scale controls how much the displayed image is scaled by in the y direction (float). If this value is negative the image will be flipped vertically.

roi is the region-of-interest rectangle tuple (x, y, w, h) of the image to display. This allows you to extract just the pixels in the ROI to scale.

rgb_channel is the RGB channel (0=R, G=1, B=2) to extract from an RGB565 image (if passed) and to render on the display. For example, if you pass rgb_channel=1 this will extract the green channel of the RGB565 image and display that in grayscale.

alpha controls how opaque the image is. A value of 256 displays an opaque image while a value lower than 256 produces a black transparent image. 0 results in a perfectly black image.

color_palette if not -1 can be sensor.PALETTE_RAINBOW, sensor.PALETTE_IRONBOW, or a 256 pixel in total RGB565 image to use as a color lookup table on the grayscale value of whatever the input image is. This is applied after rgb_channel extraction if used.

alpha_palette if not -1 can be a 256 pixel in total GRAYSCALE image to use as a alpha palette which modulates the alpha value of the input image being displayed at a pixel pixel level allowing you to precisely control the alpha value of pixels based on their grayscale value. A pixel value of 255 in the alpha lookup table is opaque which anything less than 255 becomes more transparent until 0. This is applied after rgb_channel extraction if used.

hint can be a logical OR of the flags:

x_size may be passed if x_scale is not passed to specify the size of the image to display and x_scale will automatically be determined passed on the input image size. If neither y_scale or y_size are specified then y_scale internally will be set to be equal to x_size to maintain the aspect-ratio.

y_size may be passed if y_scale is not passed to specify the size of the image to display and y_scale will automatically be determined passed on the input image size. If neither x_scale or x_size are specified then x_scale internally will be set to be equal to y_size to maintain the aspect-ratio.


Clears the lcd screen to black.

display_off if True instead turns off the display logic versus clearing the frame LCD frame buffer to black. You should also turn off the backlight too after this to ensure the screen goes to black as many displays are white when only the backlight is on.



Returned by lcd.type() when the this module is not initialized.


Used to initialize the LCD module in SPI LCD drive mode.


Used to initialize the LCD module driving a high resolution display.


Used to initialize the LCD module driving a high resolution display with a secondary mirrored HDMI output.


Used to initialize the LCD module driving an HDMI output.


320x240 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


240x320 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


480x272 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


480x128 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


640x480 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


320x480 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


800x480 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


800x320 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


480x800 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


480x480 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


800x600 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


1024x600 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


1024x768 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


1280x1024 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


1280x400 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


1600x1200 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


1280x720 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


1920x1080 resolution for LCD_DISPLAY* modes.


Use a refresh of 30 Hz in lcd.init() with this setting. The STM32H7 is not capable of driving 1080p at 60 Hz.


Touch screen move up gesture.


Touch screen move left gesture.


Touch screen move down gesture.


Touch screen move right gesture.


Touch screen zoom in gesture.


Touch screen zoom out gesture.


Touch screen no gesture.


Touch point is pressed.


Touch point is released.


Touch point is moved.