tof — time-of-flight sensor driver

The tof module is used for controlling the time-of-flight sensor.

Example usage:

import sensor, tof

# Setup camera.

# Show image.
    img = sensor.snapshot()
    depth, depth_min, depth_max = tof.read_depth()
    tof.draw_depth(image, depth)
    print("Min depth in mm seen: %0.2f" % depth_min)
    print("Max depth in mm seen: %0.2f" % depth_max)


tof.init(type: int = -1) None

Initializes an onboard depth sensor.

type indicates the type of thermopile shield:

By default type is -1 which will cause tof.init() to automatically scan and initialize an attached thermal sensor based on the I2C address.

tof.reset(type: int = -1) None

Re-initializes an onboard depth sensor.

type indicates the type of thermopile shield:

By default type is -1 which will cause tof.init() to automatically scan and initialize an attached thermal sensor based on the I2C address.

tof.deinit() None

Deinitializes the depth sensor freeing up resources.

tof.width() int

Returns the width (horizontal resolution) of the depth sensor in-use:

tof.height() int

Returns the height (vertical resolution) of the depth sensor in-use:

tof.type() int

Returns the type of the depth sensor in-use:

tof.refresh() int

Returns the refresh rate of the depth sensor in-use:

tof.read_depth(hmirror: bool = False, vflip: bool = False, transpose: bool = False, timeout: int = -1)

Returns a tuple containing the depth list (width * height), the minimum depth seen, and the maximum depth seen.

hmirror if set to True horizontally mirrors the depth array.

vflip if set to True vertically flips the depth array.

transpose if set to True transposes the depth array.

timeout if not -1 then how many milliseconds to wait for the new frame.

If you want to rotate an image by multiples of 90 degrees pass the following:

* vflip=False, hmirror=False, transpose=False -> 0 degree rotation
* vflip=True,  hmirror=False, transpose=True  -> 90 degree rotation
* vflip=True,  hmirror=True,  transpose=False -> 180 degree rotation
* vflip=False, hmirror=True,  transpose=True  -> 270 degree rotation


depth, to_min, to_max = tof.read_depth()

The values returned are floats that represent the depth in mm.


depth is a (width * height) list of floats (4-bytes each).

tof.draw_depth(image: image.Image, tof, x: int | None = None, y: int | None = None, x_scale: float = 1.0, y_scale: float = 1.0, roi: Tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None, rgb_channel: int = -1, alpha: int = 128, color_palette=image.PALETTE_DEPTH, alpha_palette=-1, hint: int = 0, scale=Optional[Tuple[float, float]]) None

Draws an depth array on image whose top-left corner starts at location x, y. This method automatically handles rendering the image passed into the correct pixel format for the destination image while also handling clipping seamlessly.

x_scale controls how much the displayed image is scaled by in the x direction (float). If this value is negative the image will be flipped horizontally. Note that if y_scale is not specified then it will match x_scale to maintain the aspect ratio.

y_scale controls how much the displayed image is scaled by in the y direction (float). If this value is negative the image will be flipped vertically. Note that if x_scale is not specified then it will match x_scale to maintain the aspect ratio.

roi is the region-of-interest rectangle tuple (x, y, w, h) of the source image to draw. This allows you to extract just the pixels in the ROI to scale and draw on the destination image.

rgb_channel is the RGB channel (0=R, G=1, B=2) to extract from an RGB565 image (if passed) and to render onto the destination image. For example, if you pass rgb_channel=1 this will extract the green channel of the source RGB565 image and draw that in grayscale on the destination image.

alpha controls how much of the source image to blend into the destination image. A value of 255 draws an opaque source image while a value lower than 255 produces a blend between the source and destination image. 0 results in no modification to the destination image.

color_palette if not -1 can be an a color palette enum or a 256 pixel in total RGB565 image to use as a color lookup table on the grayscale value of whatever the source image is. This is applied after rgb_channel extraction if used.

alpha_palette if not -1 can be a 256 pixel in total GRAYSCALE image to use as a alpha palette which modulates the alpha value of the source image being drawn at a pixel pixel level allowing you to precisely control the alpha value of pixels based on their grayscale value. A pixel value of 255 in the alpha lookup table is opaque which anything less than 255 becomes more transparent until 0. This is applied after rgb_channel extraction if used.

hint can be a logical OR of the flags:

scale is a two value tuple which controls the min and max depth (in mm) to scale the depth image. By default it’s equal to the image depth min and depth max.

If x/y are not specified the image will be centered in the field of view. If x_scale/y_scale or x_size/y_size are not specified the depth array will be scaled to fit on the image.


To handle a transposed depth array read_depth remembers if it was called with transposed True. This is then passed to draw_depth internally.

tof.snapshot(hmirror: bool = False, vflip: bool = False, transpose: bool = False, x_scale: float = 1.0, y_scale: float = 1.0, roi: Tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None, rgb_channel: int = -1, alpha: int = 128, color_palette=image.PALETTE_DEPTH, alpha_palette=None, hint: int = 0, scale: Tuple[float, float] | None = None, pixformat: int = image.RGB565, copy_to_fb: bool = False, timeout: int = -1) image.Image

Works like sensor.snapshot() and returns an image object that is either image.GRAYSCALE (grayscale) or image.RGB565 (color). If copy_to_fb is False then the new image is allocated on the MicroPython heap. However, the MicroPython heap is limited and may not have space to store the new image if exhausted. Instead, set copy_to_fb to True to set the frame buffer to the new image making this function work just like sensor.snapshot().

hmirror if set to True horizontally mirrors the new image.

vflip if set to True vertically flips the new image.

transpose if set to True transposes the new image.

If you want to rotate an image by multiples of 90 degrees pass the following:

* vflip=False, hmirror=False, transpose=False -> 0 degree rotation
* vflip=True,  hmirror=False, transpose=True  -> 90 degree rotation
* vflip=True,  hmirror=True,  transpose=False -> 180 degree rotation
* vflip=False, hmirror=True,  transpose=True  -> 270 degree rotation

x_scale controls how much the displayed image is scaled by in the x direction (float). If this value is negative the image will be flipped horizontally. Note that if y_scale is not specified then it will match x_scale to maintain the aspect ratio.

y_scale controls how much the displayed image is scaled by in the y direction (float). If this value is negative the image will be flipped vertically. Note that if x_scale is not specified then it will match x_scale to maintain the aspect ratio.

roi is the region-of-interest rectangle tuple (x, y, w, h) of the source image to draw. This allows you to extract just the pixels in the ROI to scale and draw on the destination image.

rgb_channel is the RGB channel (0=R, G=1, B=2) to extract from an RGB565 image (if passed) and to render onto the destination image. For example, if you pass rgb_channel=1 this will extract the green channel of the source RGB565 image and draw that in grayscale on the destination image.

alpha controls how much of the source image to blend into the destination image. A value of 255 draws an opaque source image while a value lower than 255 produces a blend between the source and destination image. 0 results in no modification to the destination image.

color_palette if not -1 can be an a color palette enum or a 256 pixel in total RGB565 image to use as a color lookup table on the grayscale value of whatever the source image is. This is applied after rgb_channel extraction if used.

alpha_palette if not -1 can be a 256 pixel in total GRAYSCALE image to use as a alpha palette which modulates the alpha value of the source image being drawn at a pixel pixel level allowing you to precisely control the alpha value of pixels based on their grayscale value. A pixel value of 255 in the alpha lookup table is opaque which anything less than 255 becomes more transparent until 0. This is applied after rgb_channel extraction if used.

hint can be a logical OR of the flags:

scale is a two value tuple which controls the min and max depth (in mm) to scale the depth image. By default it’s equal to the image depth min and depth max.

pixformat if specified controls the final image pixel format.

timeout if not -1 then how many milliseconds to wait for the new frame.

Returns an image object.


tof.TOF_NONE: int

No TOF sensor type.

tof.TOF_VL53L5CX: int

VL53L5CX TOF sensor.