rpc — rpc library

The rpc module on the OpenMV Cam allows you to connect your OpenMV Cam to another microcontroller or computer and execute remote python (or procedure) calls on your OpenMV Cam. The rpc module also allows for the reverse too if you want your OpenMV Cam to be able to execute remote procedure (or python) calls on another microcontroller or computer.

How to use the Library

Please checkout the example scripts in OpenMV IDE under Remote Control.

You will need to edit the example code to choose which interface you want to use and to play with the settings the scripts use.

In general, for the controller device to use the rpc library you will create an interface object using the rpc library. For example:

interface = rpc.rpc_uart_master(baudrate=115200)

This create a UART interface to talk to an rpc slave.

Once the interface is created you just need to do:

memory_view_object_result = interface.call("remote_function_or_method_name", bytes_object_argument)

And the rpc library will try to execute that "remote_function_or_method_name" on the slave. The remote function or method will receive the bytes_object_argument which can be up to 2^32-1 bytes in size. Once the remote method finishes executing it will return a memory_view_object_result which can also be up to 2^32-1 bytes in size. Because the argument and response are both generic byte containers you can pass anything through the rpc library and receive any type of response. A simple way to pass arguments is to use struct.pack() to create the argument and struct.unpack() to receieve the argument on the other side. For the response, the other side may send a string object or json string as the result which the master can then interpret.

As for errors, if you try to execute a non-existant function or method name the rpc_master.call() method will return an empty bytes() object. If the rpc library failed to communicate with the slave the rpc library will return None.

To keep things simple the rpc library doesn’t maintain a connection between the master and slave devices. The rpc_master.call() method encapsulates trying to connect to the slave, starting execution of the remote function or method, and getting the result.

Now, on the slave side of things you have to create an rpc interface to communicate with the master. This looks like:

interface = rpc.rpc_uart_slave(baudrate=115200)

This will create the UART interface layer to talk to an rpc master.

Once you create the slave interface you then need to register call backs that the master can call with the interface object:

def remote_function_or_method_name(memoryview_object_argument):
    <lots of code>
    return bytes_object_result


You may register as many callbacks as you like on the slave. Finally, once you are done registering callbacks you just need to execute:


On the slave to start the rpc library up and begin listening for the master. Note that the rpc_slave.loop() method does not return. Also, to make your slave more robust against errors you may want to wrap the rpc_slave.loop() with try: and except: for whatever exceptions might be thrown by your callback methods. The rpc library will not generate any exceptions itself. Note: passing large data structures around (like jpeg images) can potentially exhaust the heap on the OpenMV Cam and generate MemoryError exceptions.

And that is it! The rpc library is designed to be simple to use.

class rpc - rpc virtual class

The rpc base class is reimplemented by the rpc_master and rpc_slave classes to create the master and slave interfaces. It is a pure virtual class and not meant to be used directly.


class rpc.rpc

Creates an rpc object. This constructor is not meant to be used directly.


get_bytes(buff, timeout_ms: int)

This method is meant to be reimplemented by specific interface classes of rpc_master and rpc_slave. It should fill the buff argument which is either a bytearray or memoryview object of bytes from the interface equal to the length of the buff object in timeout_ms milliseconds. On timeout this method should return None. Note that for master and slave synchronization this method should try to always complete in at least timeout_ms milliseconds and not faster as the rpc_master and rpc_slave objects will automatically increase the timeout_ms to synchronize.

put_bytes(data, timeout_ms: int)

This method is meant to be reimplemented by specific interface classes of rpc_master and rpc_slave. It should send data bytes on the interface within timeout_ms milliseconds. If it completes faster than the timeout that is okay. No return value is expected.

stream_reader(call_back, queue_depth=1, read_timeout_ms=5000)

This method is meant to be called directly. After synchronization of the master and slave on return of a callback stream_reader may be called to receive data as fast as possible from the master or slave device. call_back will be called repeatedly with a bytes_or_memory_view argument that was sent by the stream_writer. call_back is not expected to return anything. queue_depth defines how many frames of data the stream_writer may generate before slowing down and waiting on the stream_reader. Higher queue_depth values lead to higher performance (up to a point) but require the stream_reader to be able to handle outstanding packets in its interface layer. If you make the queue_depth larger than 1 then call_back should return very quickly and not block. Finally, read_timeout_ms defines how many milliseconds to wait to receive the bytes_or_memory_view payload per call_back.

On any errors stream_reader will return. The master and slave devices can try to setup the stream again afterwards to continue.

If you need to cancel the stream_reader just raise an exception in the call_back and catch it. The remote side will automatically timeout.

stream_writer(call_back, write_timeout_ms=5000)

This method is meant to be called directly. After synchronization of the master and slave on return of a callback stream_writer may be called to send data as fast as possible from the master or slave device. call_back will be called repeatedly and should return a bytes_or_memory_view object that will be sent to the stream_reader. call_back should not take any arguments. Finally, write_timeout_ms defines how many milliseconds to wait to send the bytes_or_memory_view object returned by call_back.

On any errors stream_writer will return. The master and slave devices can try to setup the stream again afterwards to continue.

If you need to cancel the stream_writer just raise an exception in the call_back and catch it. The remote side will automatically timeout.

class rpc_master - rpc_master virtual class

The rpc_master is a pure virtual class and not meant to be used directly. Specific interface classes should reimplement rpc_master.


class rpc.rpc_master

Creates an rpc_master object. This constructor is not meant to be used directly.


call(name, data=bytes(), send_timeout=1000, recv_timeout=1000)

Executes a remote call on the slave device. name is a string name of the remote function or method to execute. data is the bytes like object that will be sent as the argument of the remote function or method to exeucte. send_timeout defines how many milliseconds to wait while trying to connect to the slave and get it to execute the remote function or method. Once the master starts sending the argument to the slave deivce send_timeout does not apply. The library will allow the argument to take up to 5 seconds to be sent. recv_timeout defines how many milliseconds to wait after the slave started executing the remote method to receive the repsonse. Note that once the master starts receiving the repsonse recv_timeout does not apply. The library will allow the response to take up to 5 seconds to be received.

Note that a new packet that includes a copy of data will be created internally inside the rpc library. You may encounter memory issues on the OpenMV Cam if you try to pass very large data arguments.

class rpc_slave - rpc_slave virtual class

The rpc_slave is a pure virtual class and not meant to be used directly. Specific interface classes should reimplement rpc_slave.


class rpc.rpc_slave

Creates an rpc_slave object. This constructor is not meant to be used directly.



Registers a call back that can be executed by the master device. The call back should take one argument which will be a memoryview object and it should return a bytes() like object as the result. The call back should return in less than 1 second if possible.


After you execute rpc_slave.loop() it is not possible to execute long running operations outside of the rpc library. schedule_callback allows you to break out of the rpc library temporarily after completion of an call back. You should execute schedule_callback during the execution of an rpc call back method to register a new non-rpc call back that will be executed immediately after the successful completion of that call back you executed schedule_callback in. The function or method should not take any arguments. After the the call back that was registered returns it must be registered again in the next parent call back. On any error of the parent call back the registered call back will not be called and must be registered again. Here’s how to use this:

def some_function_or_method_that_takes_a_long_time_to_execute():
   <do stuff>

def normal_rpc_call_back(data):
   <process data>
   return bytes(response)



schedule_callback in particular allows you to use the get_bytes and put_bytes methods for cut-through data transfer between one device and another without the cost of packetization which limits the size of the data moved inside the rpc library without running out of memory on the OpenMV Cam.


The loop call back is called every loop iteration of rpc_slave.loop(). Unlike the rpc.schedule_callback() call back this call back stays registered after being registered once. You can use the loop call back to blink an activity LED or something like that. You should not use the loop call back to execute any blocking code as this will get in the way of polling for communication from the master. Additionally, the loop call back will be called at a variable rate depending on when and what call backs the master is trying to execute. Given this, the loop call back is not suitable for any method that needs to be executed at a fixed frequency.

On the OpenMV Cam, if you need to execute something at a fixed frequency, you should setup a timer before executing rpc_slave.loop() and use a timer interrupt based callback to execute some function or method at a fixed frequency. Please see how to Write Interrupt Handlers for more information. Note: The Mutex library is installed on your OpenMV Cam along with the rpc library.

loop(recv_timeout=1000, send_timeout=1000)

Starts execution of the rpc library on the slave to receive data. This method does not return (except via an exception from a call back). You should register all call backs first before executing this method. However, it is possible to register new call backs inside of a call back previously being registered that is executing.

recv_timeout defines how long to wait to receive a command from the master device before trying again. send_timeout defines how long the slave will wait for the master to receive the call back response before going back to trying to receive. The loop call back will be executed before trying to receive again.

class rpc_can_master - CAN Master Interface

Control another rpc device over CAN.


class rpc.rpc_can_master(message_if=0x7FF, bit_rate=250000, sample_point=75, can_bus=2)

Creates a CAN rpc master. This interface can move up to 1 Mb/s.

  • message_id - CAN message to use for data transport on the can bus (11-bit).

  • bit_rate - CAN bit rate.

  • sample_point - Tseg1/Tseg2 ratio. Typically 75%. (50.0, 62.5, 75, 87.5, etc.)

  • can_bus - CAN Bus number to use

NOTE: Master and slave message ids and can bit rates must match. Connect master can high to slave can high and master can low to slave can lo. The can bus must be terminated with 120 ohms.

class rpc_can_slave - CAN Slave Interface

Be controlled by another rpc device over CAN.


class rpc.rpc_can_slave(message_id=0x7FF, bit_rate=250000, sample_point=75, can_bus=2)

Creates a CAN rpc slave. This interface can move up to 1 Mb/s.

  • message_id - CAN message to use for data transport on the can bus (11-bit).

  • bit_rate - CAN bit rate.

  • sample_point - Tseg1/Tseg2 ratio. Typically 75%. (50.0, 62.5, 75, 87.5, etc.)

  • can_bus - CAN Bus number to use

NOTE: Master and slave message ids and can bit rates must match. Connect master can high to slave can high and master can low to slave can lo. The can bus must be terminated with 120 ohms.

class rpc_i2c_master - I2C Master Interface

Control another rpc device over I2C.


class rpc.rpc_i2c_master(slave_addr=0x12, rate=100000, i2c_bus=2)

Creates a I2C rpc master. This interface can move up to 1 Mb/s.

  • slave_addr - I2C address.

  • rate - I2C Bus Clock Frequency.

  • i2c_bus - I2C bus number to use.

NOTE: Master and slave addresses must match. Connect master scl to slave scl and master sda to slave sda. You must use external pull ups. Finally, both devices must share a ground.

class rpc_i2c_slave - I2C Slave Interface

Be controlled by another rpc device over I2C.


class rpc.rpc_i2c_slave(slave_addr=0x12, i2c_bus=2)

Creates a I2C rpc slave. This interface can move up to 1 Mb/s.

  • slave_addr - I2C address.

  • i2c_bus - I2C bus number to use.

NOTE: Master and slave addresses must match. Connect master scl to slave scl and master sda to slave sda. You must use external pull ups. Finally, both devices must share a ground.

class rpc_spi_master - SPI Master Interface

Control another rpc device over SPI.


class rpc.rpc_spi_master(cs_pin='P3', freq=10000000, clk_polarity=1, clk_phase=0, spi_bus=2)

Creates a SPI rpc master. This interface can move up to 80 Mb/s.

  • cs_pin - Slave Select Pin.

  • freq - SPI Bus Clock Frequency.

  • clk_polarity - Idle clock level (0 or 1).

  • clk_phase - Sample data on the first (0) or second edge (1) of the clock.

  • spi_bus - SPI bus number to use.

NOTE: Master and slave settings much match. Connect CS, SCLK, MOSI, MISO to CS, SCLK, MOSI, MISO. Finally, both devices must share a common ground.

class rpc_spi_slave - SPI Slave Interface

Be controlled by another rpc device over SPI.

class rpc.rpc_spi_slave(cs_pin='P3', clk_polarity=1, clk_phase=0, spi_bus=2)

Creates a SPI rpc slave. This interface can move up to 80 Mb/s.

  • cs_pin - Slave Select Pin.

  • clk_polarity - Idle clock level (0 or 1).

  • clk_phase - Sample data on the first (0) or second edge (1) of the clock.

  • spi_bus - SPI bus number to use.

NOTE: Master and slave settings much match. Connect CS, SCLK, MOSI, MISO to CS, SCLK, MOSI, MISO. Finally, both devices must share a common ground.

class rpc_uart_master - UART Master Interface

Control another rpc device over Async Serial (UART).

class rpc.rpc_uart_master(baudrate=115200, uart_port=3)

Creates a UART rpc master. This interface can move up to 7.5 Mb/s.

  • baudrate - Serial Baudrate.

  • uart_port - UART port to use.

NOTE: Master and slave baud rates must match. Connect master tx to slave rx and master rx to slave tx. Finally, both devices must share a common ground.

class rpc_uart_slave - UART Slave Interface

Be controlled by another rpc device over Async Serial (UART).

class rpc.rpc_uart_slave(baudrate=115200, uart_port=3)

Creates a UART rpc slave. This interface can move up to 7.5 Mb/s.

  • baudrate - Serial Baudrate.

  • uart_port - UART port to use.

NOTE: Master and slave baud rates must match. Connect master tx to slave rx and master rx to slave tx. Finally, both devices must share a common ground.

class rpc_usb_vcp_master - USB VCP Master Interface

Control another rpc device over a USB Virtual COM Port.

class rpc.rpc_usb_vcp_master

Creates a USB VCP rpc master. This interface can move data at the USB speed.

class rpc_usb_vcp_slave - USB VCP Slave Interface

Be controlled by another rpc device over a USB Virtual COM Port.

class rpc.rpc_usb_vcp_slave

Creates a USB VCP rpc slave. This interface can move data at the USB speed.

class rpc_network_master - Network Master Interface

Control another rpc device over a network.

class rpc.rpc_network_master(network_if, port=0x1DBA)

Creates a Network rpc master.

  • network_if - Network interface created from network.LAN(), network.WLAN(), or etc.

  • port - Port to route traffic to.

class rpc_network_slave - Network Slave Interface

Be controlled by another rpc device a network.

class rpc.rpc_network_slave(network_if, port=0x1DBA)

Creates a Network rpc slave.

  • network_if - Network interface created from network.LAN(), network.WLAN(), or etc.

  • port - Port to route traffic to.