class PWMBacklight – PWM Backlight

The PWMBacklight class is used to control a screen backlight.


class display.PWMBacklight(pin, timer=3, channel=3, frequency=200)

Creates a backlight object to initialize the display backlight. This class should be passed as the backlight argument to any display object constructor which can use a backlight controller.

pin specifies the Pin to use.

timer specifies the Timer number to use.

channel specifies the Timer channel to use.

frequency specifies the PWM frequency.


PWMBacklight.deinit() None

Deinitializes the backlight controller.

PWMBacklight.backlight(value: int | None = None) int

Sets the backlight strength from 0-100. Note that a linear pwm duty cycle on the backlight output will not necessary result in a linear brightness change on the screen. Typically there’s a small region where the screen brightness will change drastically.